Naturally delicious beef re-imagined for Great British Beef Week 2024
The iconic Great British Beef Week (GBBW) returns for its 14th year on Tuesday, 23 April 2024, coinciding with St. George’s Day (England’s patron saint).
The nationwide campaign celebrates the versatility and exceptional taste of British beef, while highlighting the commitment and dedication of beef farmers to sustainable practices.
Created by Ladies in Beef (LiB), founded by Devon beef producer Jilly Greed and former NFU President Minette Batters, the campaign is supported by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), in collaboration with Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC), National Farmers Union (NFU), Red Tractor and RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution).
This year, families will be inspired to savour the taste and experiment with naturally delicious British beef. Whether enjoying the iconic roast with all the trimmings or creating a ‘re-imagined British Beef’ incorporating unique twists from global cuisines like Asian or Caribbean.

AHDB is collaborating with several well-known food influencers across Facebook and Instagram, who will lend their culinary expertise to create their own ‘British Beef Re-imagined’ dishes. Additionally, we will be sharing stories from our wonderful British beef farmers on what they are doing to support the environment and improve biodiversity.
Carrie McDermid, Head of Marketing, AHDB, said: “We are delighted to be working with key foodie influencers who will use their cooking expertise on social media to inspire the nation to cook with naturally delicious, British beef during the ever-popular GBBW. We aim for households to mix-up their roast beef experience and celebrate delicious, locally reared British beef.”
Karl Pendlebury, Senior Knowledge Exchange Manager, AHDB, added: “GBBW and our ‘British Beef Re-imagined’ event is so important to the food service sector and their consumers – to inform and educate the chefs and buyers about the work farmers do daily to become more environmentally friendly.
“Beef farmers work hard to produce a quality product to world-class food and farming standards that can give consumers confidence in the food on their plate. Along with the animal welfare systems in place around the country, farmers are working with the environment and nature in mind to reduce inorganic inputs and create wildlife corridors, which attract many insects that are beneficial to the ecology of the soil.”
Beef farmer and LiB member, Anna Blumfield: “GBBW is not just about enjoying delicious meals, it also raises awareness about the importance of supporting the British farming community with the challenges they face.”
Join the celebration and share your ‘British Beef Re-imagined’ creations on Facebook or Instagram, using the hashtag #GBBW24 #GreatBritishBeefWeek24 and #NaturallyDeliciousBeef.
Find inspiration and explore a variety of recipes at
Deersbrook Farm event
Ahead of the week-long festivities, on Tuesday, 16 April 2024, AHDB and LiB member, Anna Blumfield, hosted an event called ‘British Beef Re-imagined’ at Deersbrook Farm in Essex for the food service industry. Attendees embarked on a field-to-fork journey, experiencing first-hand the processes involved in beef production. Through butchery and cookery demonstrations, guests also explored current culinary trends and innovative menu development ideas.