Save the date for the British Butchery Awards 2025

On 30th June 2025, the first national butchery awards developed by the butchery industry for the butchery industry is set to take place, and it will be an event not to be missed. The British Butchery Awards, organised by leading trade organisation National Craft Butchers, seek to recognise and celebrate outstanding butchery businesses, individuals and […]
National Craft Butchers Product Awards 2023

The first results are in for Butchery’s most coveted awards! Today, Craft Butchers from England and Wales will receive their eagerly awaited results, from National Craft Butchers Product Awards. After being blind tasted by a team of expert judges, each butcher will find out if any of their products have scooped a prestigious gold, silver, […]
Retail Payments Survey 2023

From Cash to Contactless – Retailer Group Leads Study on Payment Trends in Retail The Independent Retailers Confederation (of which National Craft Butchers is a member) will be working with key financial institutions within the UK to gauge the shift in retail payments. The IRC has partnered with UK Finance, HM Treasury, Bank of England, […]