National Craft Butchers President George Debman receives Presidential chains

At a meeting in Ipswich on October 16th National Craft Butchers President George Debman received his presidential chains from Immediate Past President, John Mettrick. President George Debman was installed at NCB’s 2020 and 2021’s AGM both of which were held virtually due to Covid. The meeting held in Ipswich marked the first occasion that NCB could honour President Debman in person.

Having received his presidential chains George had this to say ‘The past two years have been both challenging and rewarding for our members, I would like to thank NCB for all that they have done to support and represent us. Throughout that time, they provided invaluable up to date guidance on how to safely run our businesses through Covid, they also guided us through Natasha’s Law, held the first British Butchers Survey, and this year as you may have seen this year, we have relaunched the NCB website and branding all of which has received excellent feedback from our working butchers.

Over the next year NCB will be expanding our Membership benefits, updating our Primary Authority Food Hygiene Assured Advice, adding Health & Safety assured advice, and launching a new coordinated partnership to provide Trading Standards assured advice to our members. All here know that National Craft Butchers is just as vital (if not more) to our members in 2022 as we were when we formed in 1888’

NCB was also delighted to present Life Honorary Vice Presidency’s to William Lloyd Williams MBE, John Taylor MBE, past CEO Roger Kelsey. Both Michael Ward and Philip Edge also received LHVP’s in absentia. All were thanked for their dedication to the industry and to NCB members.  

Also in attendance and thanked was Richard Stevenson, NCB Technical Manager. Retiring from NCB in February 2022 after 24 years serving members.

NCB looks forward to holding its first face to face in person members day in 2023. Keep an eye out for more information early next year.